viernes, 24 de octubre de 2014

Class at isaloni WorlWide - Moscu

Class by Susana Martinez | Estellesdesign

OFIFRAN estará presente en la exposición internacional iSaloni Worldwide 2014 que tendrá lugar en Moscú del 15 al 18 Octubre.
La empresa presentará su nueva colección CLASS diseñada por Estelles Design de sillería para alta dirección tanto para ambientes de estilo clásico como moderno. También un nuevo sistema modular de mesa para reuniones de mobiliario clásico ART&MOBLE con nuevos materiales, colores y acabados.
Crocus Expo-2
Hall 10 – Stand B42 – C45

More info

martes, 7 de octubre de 2014

News from RedLab - Susana Martinez

Presentación selección RedLab 2014

Presentación de 10 proyectos de 7 estudios seleccionados para ser promocionados entre la comunidad de empresas de RED
El próximo viernes 10 de Octubre: Borrell Jover Studio, Bussoga, Carlos Martin, Estelles Design, Gauzak, Octavio Asensio y Pablo Carballal estarán presentando a las 12:00h la selección de 10 proyectos que se promocionarán entre las empresas de la comunidad RED formando parte de la selección de proyectos REDLAB.
La jornada empezará puntualmente a las 12:00h del próximo viernes de 10 de Octubre.

Para ello contamos con la colaboración del Showroom de Nani Marquina, lugar en que se realizará el evento. En C/Rosselló,256 / Av. Diagonal 08037, Barcelona

miércoles, 28 de mayo de 2014

Inauguración de Ampasi

Salina en Ampasi:
 Ampasi llega a valencia con una amplia gama de articulos complementarios para el hogar completamente funcionales y con un diseño digno de un gusto exquisito.con una amplia gama de articulos complementarios para el hogar completamente funcionales y con un diseño digno de un gusto exquisito.
Hernán Cortés, 24 - Valencia

Foto: Carolina Oliva

Experiencia Tapinería

En Mercado Tapinería tuve el placer de conocer gente muy creativa con los que hicimos unas fotos combinando nuestros productos, os dejo aquí esta fotos para que los conozcáis.

Gafas de sol - Optica Ciscar
Flores y Tocados artesanales de papel - El Jardín de papel
Muebles y artículos de decoración retro - Decovintage
Lámparas artesanales de cerámica - Estellesdesign studio

martes, 13 de mayo de 2014

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RedLab - Designers at Work

  • Estellesdesign studio, selected on the last RedLab edition with 3 projects:
    Now preparing theRedLab  2th edition with new projects

lunes, 5 de mayo de 2014

Mago:Urban presents New Street furniture collection

Street furniture already catches the eyes of denizens eyeing a resting spot, but in select cities it also has people marveling at their good looks. Designers from all over the world are adding flavor to otherwise gray streets with these seats, benches, planters, and the like, but what makes these pieces even better is that tourists and locals alike actually use them, demonstrating that good modern design puts function at the heart of creation. Whether custom-designed or off-the-shelf.
(from dwell magazine)

Mago:Urban, urban items company from Barcelona, presents [petra] the new Street furniture collection, and Sand is the release designed by Susana Martinez for the company.

Sand is a urban furniture collection in white and grey concrete, smooth shapes, simple and pure, smooth finish on the bottom combined with etching as a canvas textured lace is the top, giving a wealth of interesting shapes and effects .
Seat, bench, relax, decorative ... Sand adapts to any environment, and creates situations and emotions around.
Private or public places, Sand collection is designed to provide style, beauty, elegance and distinguished by its unique design and attractive. It occurs mainly in two sizes, 80 x 80 x 42h cm and 140 x 80 x 42h cm, and two possible colors, White and pearl gray.
Sand is a new concept for new spaces, cities, parks, gardens, beaches .... curves forms are integrated into the natural forms around us bringing their own personality.

martes, 15 de abril de 2014

Class - Office chair collection

After one year of intense work, Ofifran presents the Class collection, 

A collection of contemporary style that is designed to Ofifran by Susana Martinez - Estellesdesign studio to offer a quality option that complements our senior management offices. 

Class is available in 2 versions, with wooden base for our classic designs and in chrome base to complete our most modern lines. High and medium back to relax, low back return system as meeting confident upholstered in our range of leather colors and faux leather flower, insurance options this collection will be the perfect solution to match our furniture and add a touch of elegance to your projects.

martes, 8 de abril de 2014


Design Innovation in Manufactured Housing

It's a two-by-four. It's a structural insulated panel. It's pre-cut. It's panelized. It's a kit. It could be a yurt. It can be coockie-cutter. It's off-the shelf. It can be customized. It has been stigmatized. It's manufactured offsite. It's shipped and assembled elsewhere. It can be a "wide load". It's an idea. It's an area of study. It symbolizes the potential for future housing. It's emblematic of the failure of housing. It's a dirty word. With "sprout" added to it, it's a rock band with an usually fervent fan base. It generates over 540.000 results on Google. It's far too often described as "pretty fab". It shows tremendous promise or, depending on whom you talk to, is doomed to fail.

It may very well be a movement. It is nothing if not fascinating. It's prefab.
(from Dwell magazine)

Ostuni, prefab modular-room , made ​​of concrete blocks and covered with materials such as parquet and wood paneling inside, steel frames of the windows and door.The central dome is inspired by the houses of southern Italy (Trullo), brings to the project a Mediterranean character full of energy and life, giving light and spaciousness inside the module. It is made in two versions, roof in  concrete or granite and wood, contrasting with the light colors of the exterior panels. Simple element, attractive and functional, adaptable to any environment and landscape, neutral colors, integration with the environment, purity of lines with many possibilities to create spaces. Both the interior and exterior design of Ostuni is designed to welcome guests, creating sensations and enabling environment to live fully.

Interior views from the prefab hotel room

lunes, 24 de marzo de 2014

Salina is ready!

"The light from the Mediterranean"
Salina Lamp collection

April 2014 -  Finally goes on sale more info:

Hand Made Ceramic lamp following the traditional spanish ceramic process . Made in Valencia, Spain.
Mediterranean look and elegance for unique and exclusive enviroments.
White color combinated with matte gold, blue water or white inside.

Sizes: 38hx16x16 cm
Design by Susana Martinez

lunes, 10 de marzo de 2014

New Trends in Nautical Interior Design

Project from Susana Martinez

Nuevas Tedencias en Interiorismo Náutico
Susana Martínez - Product&Interior designer - Estellesdesign studio

El proyecto de interiores de una embarcaciónde recreo es un reto muy interesante como interiorista. Se ponen en juegodestreza, creatividad y profesionalidad. Es necesario combinar la estética ylas necesidades de la embarcación para crear un espacio que facilite la vida abordo.

No hay mal que por bien no venga. La crisis ha hecho quesurjan y se desarrollen nuevas oportunidades increíblemente interesantes. Losamantes del mar ahora tienden a comprar embarcaciones de segunda mano y conayuda de un interiorista naval trabajan las necesidades, exigencias y gustosdel armador, con el fin de crear decoraciones espectaculares que transformen elbarco. La idea suele ser la de crear una prolongación de la propia vivienda,buscando ambientes confortables donde se combinan espacios para la diversión,la acción, la paz y la quietud en su justa proporción.

La luz es una de las características más importantes de losnuevos interiores navales. Se busca inundar de luz natural el interior de lanave y esto se consigue realizando grandes ventanas, utilizando colores suavesy claros, y creando ambientes abiertos y amplios, sin muros, ni paneles. Elresultado es una continuidad visual entre las diferentes atmósferas y unaintegración del interior con el exterior, ya sea por sus formas como por sudiseño.

El reclamo a lanaturaleza
La distribución de los espacios está vinculada al conceptodel mar, la naturaleza y el fluir del espacio, creando juego de luces, formas ymateriales. En cuanto a la gama de colores, destacan especialmente los arena,el verde y el blanco. Aportan ligeros toques de color en pequeños detalles quecontrastan con los materiales naturales –como la madera de roble, la teka, elnogal– y ayudan a crear ambientes cálidos y acogedores.

Sin lugar a dudas, la decoración minimalista es tendencia enla náutica, ayuda a crear ambientes luminosos y a crear sensación de espacio.Igualmente es muy interesante la tendencia que hay por el de mobiliario“custom”, hecho a medida para cada proyecto, de manera que se adapteperfectamente a cada ambiente y a las necesidades, gustos y exigencias delarmador.

Por otra parte, es importante el juego de espacios yvolúmenes, pues a bordo de una embarcación cada espacio no es independiente ycomprende “un todo” en el proyecto final, especialmente en los barcos máspequeños, donde cada centímetro es necesario y aprovechable, donde prima lasimplicidad y la funcionalidad. Por ejemplo, organizando la zona de serviciosen el centro con el comedor, la cocina y la mesa de cartas, y dejando la zonade noche a los lados. Se busca exaltar el espacio interior filtrando la luz demanera que fluya creando una agradable conexión entre el interior y elexterior.

El objetivo es crear espacios que nos aporten sensación deamplitud, dilatando la altura con interiores luminosos, mediante un estiloclásico con muebles de teka, acero o ratán, o bien recurriendo a un estilo másmoderno, con elementos en fibra de carbono.

Susana Martínez – Product & interior designer -EstellesDesign studio - 

New Trends in Nautical Interior Design
Susana Martínez - Product&Interior Designer - Estellesdesign studio

An interior design project of a pleasure boat is a very interesting challenge as an interior designer. Skill, creativity
and professionalism come into play. It is necessary to combine aesthetics and the needs of the vessel to create a
space that makes life easier on board

E very cloud has a silver lining. And with the crisisit hasgiven the possibility to develop new
opportunities incredibly interesting. Now, loversof the sea tend to buysecond-hand vessels
and with the help of a nautical interior designer work the needs,requirements and tastes of
the owner, in order to create spectacular decorations that transform theboat. The idea is usually to create an extensión of ones own home, looking forcomfortable environments
where spaces are combined for enjoyment, action, peace and quietness inequal proportion.
Light is one of the most important features of the new nauticalinteriors. One looks to flood the inside of the vessel with natural light andthis is achieved by creating large windows,
using soft, light colors, and creating open and spacious environments,without walls, or panels. The result is a visual continuity between thedifferent atmospheres and an integration
of the interior with the exterior, whether it be for its shapes or forits design.

The call of nature
The distribution of the areas are related to the concept of the sea,nature and the flow of space, creating an interplay of lights, shapes andmaterials. Regarding the color range, the sandy ones, the green and the whiteare particularly in trend.
They bring light touches of color in small details that contrast withnatural materials like the oak wood, teak and walnut and they help to create awarm and cozy atmosphere.
Undoubtedly, the minimalist decor is a nautical trend, and helps tocreate bright environments and a feeling of space.
Equally it is interesting the actual trend for furniture"custom", made to measure for each project, so that it adapts perfectlyto suit every environment and the needs, tastes and requirements of the owner.

On the other hand, it is important the play of spaces and volumes, as onboard a boat not every space is independent and comprises "a whole"in the final project, especially in the smaller
boats, where every centimeter is necessary and usable, where simplicityand functionality are prized. For example, organizing the service area in thecenter with the dining room, the kitchen and the chart table, and leaving thenight area on the sides. One seeks to emphasize the interior by filtering thelight so that it flows creating a pleasing connection between the interior andthe exterior.

The goal is to create spaces that give us a feeling of spaciousness, dilatingthe height with bright interiors, by means of a classic style with furniture ofteak, steel or rattan, or by using a more modern style, with elements in carbonfiber.

photo from